Practical 6: Higher Fungi - Taxonomy and Pathological Importance (Phylum Basidiomycota)

  1. To observe the disease symptoms caused by fungi in Phylum Basidiomycota.
  2. To observe the stage of basidiospore in Puccinia graminis.


The Phylum Basidiomycota is considered as the most developed group of fungi. The example such as mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs and stinkhorns. The rust and the smut fungi are included although considered lower within the group. Some of the fungi considered as plant pathogen that cause millions of losses to crops annually. On the positive side, species of mushrooms are edible and contributes to the food industry. The Basidiomycota generally produce sexual spores that called as basidiospores that usually 4 in number on a structure called the basidium.

  1. Plant disease specimens.

Causal agent : Puccinia polysora
Ground nut rust
Causal agent : Puccina arachidis
Symptoms : Orange colour of uredinia on lower leaflets surface .Uredinia also can appear on the upper leaflets surface.
Long bean rust
Causal agent : Uromyces vignae
Symptoms : There are brownish spots on the leaves. When the rusb are touched it is like a brown dust.
Corn smut
Causal agent : Ustilago maydis
Symptoms : Abnormal enlargement of the kernels and the colour of the kernel become whitish grey.
Blister blight of tea
Causal agent : Exobasidium vexans
Symptoms : The early symptom is the development of transparent spot either round or oval in shape. Usually occur on the younger leaves. After several days, the spot will curved and the color will change to white.
Pink disease
Causal agent : Corticium salmonicolor
Symptoms : The early symptom is there will wounds on the stem which produce white latex. The fungi will grow and look like white thread. The mycillia will change into pink color. 
Horse hair blight
Causal agent : Marasmius equicrinus
Symptoms : There are black fungal threads resembling horse hair that attack the upper branches and twigs.
White thread blight
Causal agent : Marasmiellus scandens
Symptoms : The  young branches contain white mycelial threads of fungus.It spread longitudinally and irregularly along the surface of the stem.
White root disease
Causal agent : Rigidoporus lignosus
Symptoms : White rhizomorph seen on the root of tree.
Red root disease
Causal agent : Ganoderma philipii
Symptoms : The symptoms shown after a few years. The symptoms there are sheets of red mycellia that will together form rhizomorphs and connected to form membrane on the root.
Brown root disease
Causal agent : Phellinus noxius
Symptoms : The root that was attacked has sand and soil stick on it. It is due to the mycillia will  form mucilage that will stick the sand and soil. The brown mycellia will spread and the it can be seen after the tree was long dead. 
Vascular streak dieback of cocoa
Causal agent : Oncobasidium theobromae
Symptoms : The attack start at the shoot. The leaves on the shoot will turn into yellow and sometime they have green spot.The leaves will fall and when the bark of tree was thrown, the stem will turn into brownish colour immediately.
Basal stem rot of oil palm
Causal agent : Ganoderma boninense
Symptoms : The basidiocarpa will shown on the basal stem. The other symptom is the leaves of the coconut will die and it will hang on the tree and surround the stem of tree.

  1. Stage of basidiospore.

Stage 0
Stage 1
Aecium and aeciospore
Stage 2
Uredium and uredospore
Stage 3
Telium and teliospore
