Practical 8: Plant Virology
1. To learn how to conduct mechanical inoculation on plant.
2. To learn what is the symptoms of the plant that affected by virus.
Viruses are sub-microscopic , infectious particles that are multiplied only inside living host cells. The basic shape of plant viruses are elongate, cylindrical rod and spherical. The two main components of viruses are protein coat and nucleic acid. The infectious component of viruses is the nucleic acid. Viruses are obligate parasite which they must live in a living tissue before they can reproduce themselves. Viruses infect the plant cell through wounds. Usually they disseminate by biological agent such as nematode , insects and humans.
- Diseased leaf
- Test host plant
- Mortar and pestle
- Carborundum
- Distilled water
A) Mechanical Inoculation.
I. The virus inoculum was prepared by crushing the diseased leaf using mortar and pestle until uniform extract obtained. 0.5-1 ml of distilled water are added to the extract.
II. The leaf surface of the host plant are rubbed with Carborundum to cause injury and make opening on the leaf surface. Only a small amount of carborundum are used.
III. The leaves are washed using the distilled water to remove the excessive lea pieces and sap from the leaf surface.
IV. The virus inoculum are applied on the injured leaves by gently wiping the inoculum 3-4 times across the upper epidermis by using soft piece of cloth or forefinger to the leaves.
B) Disease symptoms.
I. The symptoms of the affected plant are observed.
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